About Us - Red Oak Depot

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About Us

Eddie & Lois
A few years back, my lady had a Thrift Store in Red Oak... it was called J B Roma. OBTW, in case you are not sure, that is my lady with the glasses... (never sure if folks can tell us apart.) She had a wide variety of items in her brick (it was really steel) & mortar store - many items acquired from used merchandise vendors (flea markets, yard sales, auctions, and such - and I always had to beg and plead to be able to haul, load, package, move, deliver,... whatever she bought or sold - she is very thoughtfull that way, and has always allowed me to do so!.. so nice of her ). Anyway, eventually the store was sold as a church (after we had used it, what else could we expect!!)... to link to 59th Anniversary clipping, click here

Today she has an eStore and she describes items simply and honestly--relying heavily on photos to convey information (honsetly we do not know the difference between antique, collectible, nor junk). We perform minimal cleaning on delicate antiquey-type items, as well as on collectible items, to avoid compromising the value - perceived or actual. Pricing is based on the fact that she is a pro-buyer, and not necessarily a pro-seller. Obviously the vast majority of the items are one-of-a-kind and thus it may no longer be available by the time you see it on the website, so please contact us if you have a sincere interest in something. She is an honorable lady and will almost certainly retain it for your inspection if you request such. As I say, she likes to buy but not so crazy about selling, so she has no urgency... I have an urgency since I can no longer rent storage, and my house, my shop and the attic are - well..., FULL! Of course the items are sold in "as-is" condition. Please study, and then if you have questions and/or want to buy, just give us a call or send an email. My lovely lady thanks you in advance!.

(photo below - Eddie's folks - J B is standing and Roma sitting - circa 1935)

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